Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) Issues Statement on Gaza Killings During Palestinian Great Return March

Thousands of Palestinians Launch Great March of Return in Gaza.

Jakarta, MINA – Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) as a forum of Muslims union has expressed deep concern on brutality of Israeli troops against Palestinians who took part in the Great March of Returnthe on  Friday, March 30, which left 17 Palestinians dead as martyrs. and hundreds of others injured.

Regarding to the violence, Jamaah Muslimin (Hizbullah) issued the following statements:Regarding to the martyrs of 17 people and over 1400 injured, among them 179 children and 37 women in the Great Return March (GMR) action in Gaza since Friday, March 31, 2018, driven by deep concern and responsibility as fellow Muslims, Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) conveyed the following statements:

  1. The Great Return March (GRM) is a peaceful action followed by various people in any levels of age. There are children, adolescents, men, women and elderly. It is not properly if the peace action to be faced with violence, even an armed action. Israel’s armed action against the peace action really violates international law and is a real tyranny. We demand Israel to stop the tyranny that has been doing to the Palestinians. Remember what is commanded in the Quran, “Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded”(Surah An-Nahl: 90)
  2. We call upon the United Nations (UN) to take concrete action to pressure Israel to stop tyranny against GRM participants in particular and against the Palestinians in general. Furthermore, UN has to enforce the mandate of Charter with full responsibility to protect the citizens of the world from any forms of crime and injustice that violate international law, especially related to Human Rights. The International Criminal Couth (ICC) must drag Israeli military chiefs to the International Tribunal because of what has done to the Palestinians.
  3. We call on the United Nations to pressure Israel to respect the rights of Palestinians including the right to return to their homeland. Palestinians are the legitimate owners of Palestinian lands which for more than 50 years were seized by Israel.
  4. We call upon the leaders of state around the world, including the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to continue actively as it has been doing so far to support human rights enforcement in Palestine as the only one country that still in colonialism.
  5. We urge Muslims to increase their sincerity to help fellow Muslims in Palestine as commanded by Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him that “The imagery of the believers in compassion love are like one body. If one part of the body is sick, the whole body will feel pain and not being able to sleep and feeling fever. “(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
  6. We pray for the martyred victims, presumably they get goodness at the end of death (husnul khatimah), and rewarded martyrdom, grace and blessing from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala. For the wounded, we pray for immediate health. We also pray that Allah will give strength and patience to all Palestinians to remain consistent in the struggle to get back their rights and victory, Aamiin. Let them be strong in the struggle as Allah says in the Qur’an, “Verily, those who defend themselves after being persecuted, there is no sin against them” (Surat as Shura 41).

Only to Allah we hope and put our trust. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala help Muslims everywhere to be free from any forms of slander and restore the world to the true justice and peace, Amiin.


Jakarta, 14 Rajab 1439 H / 1 April 2018 M







Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)