AFP photojournalist Abbas Momani stands next to his damaged car on the road leading to the al-Jalazun Palestinian refugee camp, near the West Bank Jewish settlement of Beit El, near Ramallah on March 7, 2014 after Israeli settlers threw stones at the vehicle. (Photo: AFP / STR)
AFP photojournalist Abbas Momani stands next to his damaged car on the road leading to the al-Jalazun Palestinian refugee camp, near the West Bank Jewish settlement of Beit El, near Ramallah on March 7, 2014 after Israeli settlers threw stones at the vehicle.
Ramallah,  7 Jumadil Awal 1435/8 March 2014 (MINA) – The Zionist settlers in the West Bank stoned the car of a Palestinian photographer working for AFP, Abbas Momani, slightly injuring him, as he was on his way to cover a story Friday.

The photographer said several of around 100 Zionist settlers who were gathered at the side of the road threw stones at his car, cracking the windscreen and lightly injuring him in the face and hands.

Israeli occupation soldiers on the scene did not intervene, he added, ALRAY, Palestinian Media Agency reported as quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).

In photographs of the incident, four settlers are seen running, three of them with pistols. Another shows the settlers stoning the car while the soldiers watched.

After the attack, soldiers moved the settlers on.

He and other journalists in a separate vehicle were on their way to cover Palestinian demonstrations in the nearby Jalazun refugee camp, north of the West Bank administrative center of Ramallah.

Momani, said he planned to file a complaint with Israeli police, while the Foreign Press Association said its lawyer would also look into the case.

Jewish settlers often attack Palestinian cars, the same way as Palestinian youths stone Israeli vehicles near Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

Some 237 Israeli occupation forces violations against Palestinian journalists were documented by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate in 2013.

The head of the Syndicate’s Freedoms Committee, Mohammad Lahham, presented the committee’s report in a press conference in Ramallah saying Israeli occupation forces violations against Palestinian journalists ranged between tear gas suffocation to physical injuries, arresting journalists, banning them from traveling and press coverage.

The report also documented the Palestinian security services’ violations against journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 2013.

According to the report the Palestinian security services committed 81 violations against Palestinian journalists ranging from beatings, arrests and summons to meet with security agents to banning journalists from coverage.

The Undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Information Mahmoud Khalifa said the ministry will collaborate with the Journalists Syndicate to prosecute the Israeli occupation army and stop its violations against Palestinian journalists.

The committee recommended following up on these violations through parliamentary blocs and international institutions saying it would address the relevant authorities to take the necessary action. (T/P04/E01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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