Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Brick House in north of West Bank

Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes. (File Wafa)

Jenin, MINA – Israeli forces on Monday demolished a residential house made of bricks and a water well in the village of Faraseen, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

Head of Faraseen village council, Mahmoud Amarneh said, Israeli forces demolished a 250 cubic meter water well and a 70-square-meter brick house displacing local resident Fayez Amarneh and his family of five people. Thus quoted from WAFA.

Israeli forces raided the town almost 10 days ago and distributed around 36 demolition notices against the entire village’s homes, structures and water wells. The village has a population of almost 200.

Israeli forces also seized three water pumps in the town of Beit Ummar, to the north of the occupied southern West Bank city of Hebron, said a local source.

Mohammad Awad, activist, said that Israeli forces, accompanied by intelligence officers, raided an area to the north of the Beit Ummar town, and seized three water pumps owned by local resident Nabil Breigheth, which he uses for irrigation and planting purposes.

Additionally, the soldiers gave Breighethi an order to appear before the Israeli Intelligence in ‘Gush Etzion’ detention center. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)