Photo: MEMO
Photo: MEMO

Al-Quds (Jerusalem), 18 Rajab 1436/7 May 2015 (MINA) – Islamic Movement in Israel has said that Israel is seeking to impose a new status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement, the Islamic Movement said in a written statement that Israel is trying to “terrorise” Palestinian worshipers by imposing “gangster behaviour” in order to achieve its goals, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islmaic news Agency (MINA) as reporting, Thursday (7/5).

The police convicted the Palestinian worshipers of blocking the entrance of foreign visitors to Al-Aqsa Mosque as well as for shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

The Palestinian Media Centre for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Affairs said that the Israeli police arrested 23 Palestinians, including females, from Al-Aqsa Mosque in April alone. They were either given for prison terms or expelled banned from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque for months.

Officials in the Awqaf Department said Israeli police facilitate the entrance of Jewish settlers to Al-Aqsa Mosque through Al-Magharbeh Gate.

The Islamic Movement pledged to undermine all Israeli efforts to impose a new status quo and called for Palestinians in Israel and Jerusalem to visit Al-Aqsa Mosque regularly.

According to the Media Centre, 1,284 Israelis, including settlers and troops, desecrated Al-Aqsa Mosque in April.(T/P008/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)