Jakarta, MINA – The Director of Early Education and Islamic Boarding School Waryono Abdul Ghofur said, Islamic boarding schools contribute enormously towards education in Indonesia because they offer big opportunities for learning.
“Since long ago, Islamic boarding schools have offered big opportunities for obtaining education and we must be grateful for that,” said Ghofur in Jakarta on Monday, September 19.
In his opinion, if there are no Islamic organizations improving education in Indonesia , such as NU, Muhammadiyah, and other Islamic organizations, then there are many people who could not obtain education.
“In fact, all Islamic boarding schools are private and the number of private madrasahs is also higher than public madrasas,” he said.
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Waryono explained, Islamic boarding school is a very independent institution. In general, from providing infrastructure to creating the curriculum are in the hands of the kyai as a key person. It is no exaggeration to say, the good or bad of a Islamic boarding school depends on the quality of the key person and also his financial strength because Islamic boarding schools are private institutions.
For all the contributions made, the government strives to grant recognition, affirmation, and facilities such as providing services for the licensing process, equalizing education, and also for offering infrastructure. (T/ri/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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