ISESCO Condemns Houthi Rebels’ Death Sentence to Journalist Yahya Abduraqeeb al-Jubaihi

Yemeni journalist Yahya Abduraqeeb al-Jubaihi.


Rabat, 17 Rajab 1438/14 April 2017 (MINA) –The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) condemned the death sentence of the Yemeni journalist Yahya Abduraqeeb Al-Jubaihi issued by an illegitimate court of the Houthi rebels on charges of spying for foreign authorities.

In a statement to Saudi Press Agency (SPA) Thursday, ISESCO described this unjust sentence by an illegitimate court of a sectarian rebel militia as a violation to the international law and serious abuse of human rights which the international community must condemn and stop by all means.

In this regard, ISESCO has called for releasing this journalist and all journalists detained by this outlawed and illegitimate sectarian militia.

Jubaihi is among at least 36 activists currently being tried by a Houthi court in Sanaa.

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate issued a statement condemning the death sentence of Jubaihi, calling the sentence “heinous” and “unconstitutional”.

It demanded the immediate release of Jubaihi and all other activists held by the Houthis. (T/RS5/RS3(

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)