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Chamid Riyadi - Wednesday, 27 May 2015 - 07:58 WIB

Wednesday, 27 May 2015 - 07:58 WIB

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Photo: On Islam
Photo: On Islam

Photo: On Islam

Melbourne, 9 Sya’ban 1436/27 May 2015 (MINA) –   World Halal Food Council had a successful International Halal Conference and Semi Annual General Meeting WHFC on 15-17 May 2015 at East Preston Islamic College, Melbourne. Hosted by ICCV, SICHMA and EPIC School, the event attracted many people.

Over 28 Halal Certifying Bodies from 20 Countries represented including ASIA, AUSTRALIA-NEW ZEALAND, AMERICA-LATIN AMERICA, EUROPE and AFRICA and some delegation representatives from Government Institutions came to the meeting.

The President of WHFC Dr. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si said in his speech on the opening International Halal Conference and Semi Annual General Meeting. “Halal is a basic requirements for muslim consumer. Halal is not a creation of mankind, it is an order from Allah. Halal is kind a Iaw that comes through FatwaUlama/Islamic Scholars.”, Halal Focus reports as quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).

Through his speech on the Halal Conference, He also mentioned that Halal Market has become an important emerging market sector. It is a new market force that should not be overlooked. Australia has exported to Indonesia about $250.8 billion (2014 est.) with total summary export to Indonesia is $6,906 Billion.

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Indonesia was the fifth largest export market for Australian boxed beef and the biggest market for Australian live cattle in 2014. The combined value of beef, offal and live cattle exports to Indonesia was A$883 million in 2014. Indonesia was Australia’s largest live cattle export market, taking 624,749 head, more than double year-on-year and was valued at A$461 million. Indonesia accounted for 55% of total Australian live cattle exports in 2013-2014.

“This is a great number for Australia exporting to Indonesia. Halal Certified product become important due to the regulation that based on Act no. 18 Year 2009 about Animal Husbandary and Health. Regulation Minister of Agriculture No. 20 Year 2009 about Importation and Distribution Control of Carcass, Meat, and/or Offal from Abroad.The support of government to Halal Certification Bodies in Australia is very important to strengthening the role of World Halal Food Council in order to support the Halal trade or export to Muslim Countries.” He said.

He also stated that “ Halal is important for both domestic and exporting markets, Halal is a matter for a muslim to have a say and control, Halal can only be certified by a reputable and trustworthy organization which is approved by both local and exporting country authorities, Halal must follow the guides and requirements of the importing countries and Halal has nothing to do with corruption and terrorism.” This statement is delivered as the Halal matter has been burst among the society.

Not only holding the International Halal Conference, WHFC also holding a 6 monthly meeting, Shariah and Technical Committee Meeting. This meeting was hold to discuss some issues regarding Halal. On this occasion also, the chairman of each Committee has been selected. Prof. Dr. Khaswar Syamsu is selected for the Chairman of Technical Committe for period 2015-2017, and Prof.Dr. Asrorun Niam Sholehis selected for the Chairman of Shariah Committe for period 2015-2017. (T/P010/R03)

Also Read: 7th World Halal Summit Held in Istanbul

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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