Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian fast food industry for the first time exported the consumption of Indonesian pilgrims 1444H/2023M to Saudi Arabia.
Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas took part in launching the first ready-to-eat food export by PT Halalan Thayyiban Indonesia Tbk (HATI) to Saudi Arabia.
The process of releasing one container of ready-to-eat food products (meals ready to eat) was marked by cutting the ribbon at the MakanKu Showroom, Jalan A. Yani No. 224, Gumpang Lor, Pabelan, Kartasura.
Present at the release of the first export of ready-to-eat food, President Commissioner of PT Halalan Thayyiban Indonesia Puspo Wardoyo, Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar, Secretary General of PBNU Syafullah Yusuf, Chair of BPKH Fadlun Imansyah, Head of National Baznas RI Noor Achmad, Directors of PT HATI Tbk Sugiri, and representatives of institutions other.
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Minister of Religion Yaqut said that as the government, the Ministry of Religion supports what PT Halalan Thayyiban Indonesia is doing in its first export of ready-to-eat food to Saudi Arabia.
“This is an important breakthrough, considering that so far we have not provided consumption for Indonesian pilgrims but Saudi Arabia and we must support this,” said the Minister of Religion on Friday.
“The efforts made by PT Halalan Thayyiban Indonesia are very good in encouraging Indonesian ready-to-eat food products to enter Saudi Arabia. The most important thing is to create a pilgrimage economic ecosystem that involves a lot of breeders, farmers, MSMEs and other communities,” continued Gus Men, the Minister of Religion’s nickname.
According to Gus Men, in organizing the pilgrimage, Indonesia has at least spent a total cost of around Rp. 18 trillion more which has so far been spent on Saudi Arabia.
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“I think PT Halalan Thayyiban Indonesia is starting (so that) some of the hajj funds that are used up there can return to Indonesia. Hopefully this will continue to develop and be followed by other entrepreneurs so that more funds can return to Indonesia,” said Gus Men.
Accompanying the Minister of Religion, Special Staff Wibowo Prasetyo, Head of the Regional Office of the Central Java Ministry of Religion, Mustain Ahmad, Chancellor of UIN Walisongo Imam Taufiq, and Secretary of the Minister of Religion, Sidik Sisdiyanto.
PT Halalan Thayyiban Indonesia, Tbk (HATI) is a company engaged in the ready-to-eat packaged food industry which can last up to 1 year at room temperature without preservatives known as “MakanKu”.
Halalan Thayyiban MakanKu carries the tagline Healthy Food Ready to Serve Today.
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HATI has also received a Purchase Order (PO) from Mutowifs Pilgrims for South East Asian Countries Company (MPSEA) to meet the food needs of Indonesian pilgrims. This company received orders for 1,275,000 servings of ready-to-eat packaged food. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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