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Indonesian Ministry of Religion Supports Sharia Economic Brand Development

sri astuti - Saturday, 8 August 2020 - 13:19 WIB

Saturday, 8 August 2020 - 13:19 WIB

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Sharia compliant banking.

Jakarta, MINA – The National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS) will create a Sharia Economic Brand which will be conducted through a competition and released towards the end of 2020.

Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment Fuad Nasar at the Sharia Economic Brand Meeting which was held virtually, said that as a member of KNEKS, the Ministry of Religion welcom and support the program, as quoted from the Ministry of Religion’s website on Friday.

However, Fuad requested that the creation of a Sharia Economic Brand involve support, input, and affirmation from across stakeholders. In addition to ministries/institutions and players in the Islamic finance industry, the formation of this brand also needs to involve local governments, community organizations, universities and even representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad.

“This is in line with Indonesia’s vision as the center of the world’s Islamic economy and finance,” Fuad said.

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According to him, Indonesia has relatively comprehensive Islamic economic and financial instruments in the world. These instruments cover the commercial economy and social economy sectors.

“Everyone exists and has the opportunity to develop, even though Islamic financial literacy is still relatively low. Fuad assessed that it needs mutual encouragement to improve it. Therefore, the Sharia Economic Brand that is created must encapsulate all existing entities and knit all future development needs,” he said.

“The Ministry of Religion has done many things in strengthening education and literacy of zakat and waqf as well as guaranteeing halal products in the country. Especially for the zakat and waqf sector, the Ministry of Religion will continue to increase public literacy in line with the development trend of the Islamic social finance sector for national economic resilience,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Director for Islamic Education and Research, KNEKS Sutan Emir Hidayat, explained the background of the need for a Sharia Economic Brand. According to him, with the largest Muslim population, Indonesia has great potential in the development of the Sharia economy.

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“For this reason, it is necessary to hold a Sharia Economic Branding Competition to get good results from the best,” Sutan said

He also said that the making of the sharia economic brand will be carried out through competitions. This Sharia Economic Branding Competition can be participated by individuals or companies as long as it meets all administrative requirements.

Participants must have experience in branding and visual communication, have basic knowledge of sharia, and be able to incorporate and synchronize Indonesian cultural values ​​into the brand. (R/R7/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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