By: Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf, Charge d’Affaires Ad Interim of the Indonesian Embassy in Tripoli
What a wonderful and an exciting day for Indonesia who work and live in Tripoli get together in welcoming their independence/national day by cleaning the Embassy courtyard. The Indonesian Independence /National Day will take place on August 17, 2022.
This gathering activity gives a special touch for Indonesian who are used to work hand in hand in keeping their surrounding clean in their motherland. Man and women contribute accordingly.
The men usually sweep the yard from the garbage or accumulated dust meanwhile the women prepare some food. Noone left feel in vain. They are all happy to be able to share their capability in keeping their home (their Embassy) free from garbage and dust.
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They are also happy to be part of the same activity with their local community in Libya. Long llive for togetherness and Long Live for environment clean.
Happy Independence for All Indonesian who live in Libya and whereever you are. (AK/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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