Hamas: Resistance is Palestinian Sole Path to Oust Israeli Occupation

Gaza, MINA – Resistance is the only path to liberate Palestine and defeat the Israeli Occupation whose will has always been broken in Gaza, said Hamas Movement in a statement released on the 13th anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from the blockaded Gaza Strip.

On this day 13 years ago, the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was forced to withdraw his forces from the Gaza Strip under the intense pressure of the Palestinian resistance after 38-year-long attrition war with the Israeli Occupation, a Wednesday statement by Hamas read.

Despite attempts by some sides to underestimate such achievement, which was a turning point that ushered a new era of conflict, such a victory had to be invested for liberation of Palestine following the consequences of Oslo Accords, PIC reported, ciiting  the movement.

It vowed that the Palestinian people will continue to pursue the option of resistance through their participation in the Great March of Return until the siege is lifted and their demands are met, including their right to return to their homeland from which they were forcibly displaced in 1948.

Hamas hailed the Palestinian people inside and outside the occupied Palestinian territories for their steadfastness in the face of the Israeli occupation and support of armed resistance while standing up for their rights.

The movement stressed the need to keep up the Great March of Return and he popular protests demanding Palestinians’ right to return to their homeland and to lift the siege. All the political agreements, especially the Oslo Accords under which the Jerusalem and refugee issues, alongside the dispute on borders and water, were delayed to the final status negotiations, had failed in preserving Palestinian rights, it stated.

Hamas called on the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas to halt security collaboration with the Israeli occupation, cease his arrest campaigns targeting Palestinian activists in the West Bank, and lift sanctions on the Gaza enclave.

Hamas expressed its firm rejection of ‘the deal of the century’ along with all schemes and conspiracies aiming to liquidate the Palestinian cause and violate Palestinian rights.   (R/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)