Hamas Calls for International Intervention to Save Palestinian Prisoners from Covid-19

Gaza, MINA – Palestinian Islamic Movement, Hamas has warned about the increasing number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails infected by coronavirus and called for urgent international intervention to save their lives.

Hamas spokesman Abdul Latif Al-Qanoo said in a written statement on Tuesday, as quoted by Palinfo, the increase in Coronavirus infections among Palestinian prisoners in the occupied prisons.

There are seven new cases, bringing the total to 24, which is a dangerous indicator that threatens the lives of Palestinian prisoners, all of whom number 4,700.

“This increase requires international agencies to immediately intervene and pressure the Israeli occupation to save the lives of prisoners in light of the Israeli Prison Authority’s indifference and its failure to take the necessary action to deal with the spread of the deadly virus in its ranks of detainees,” said Latif.

The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) announced on the same day that seven Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s Ofer Prison were infected with the coronavirus.

PPS reported in its press statement that the administration of Ofer Prison, west of Ramallah, informed the detainees that seven of their comrades had been infected with the Corona virus.

The announcement brings the number of Palestinian prisoners infected with Covid-19 to 24 cases.

The Israeli occupation authorities hold around 4,700 Palestinian prisoners in their prisons, including 41 women and 160 children, and the number of administrative detainees (held without charge) has reached 365. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)