Great Dawn Campaign Continues at Al-Aqsa Mosque

thousands of Muslims crowded Al-Aqsa Mosque (photo special)

Jerusalem, MINA – The dawn movement in congregation every Friday with the slogan “The Great Dawn Campaign” continues at the Aqsa Mosque and other mosques in Palestine.

Al-Quds Online reported tens of thousands of Muslims crowded Al-Aqsa Mosque in Old Jerusalem, Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, and other mosques in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, at dawn prayers on Friday, February 14.

Worshipers where participated widely and asserted its defense of Al-Aqsa against Israeli occupation in settlements and holy sites.

Israeli authorities mobilized their forces in Jerusalem and restricted worshipers from entering the mosque area.

Residents after the Fajr prayer in congregation immediately mingled in the community, looking like a national festival or the Eid al-Fitr.

The mosque council was actively distributing snacks and warm drinks to worshipers, in cold weather.

The waves of people also gathered at the Great Mosque of Nablus, and worshipers shouted the takbir sentence “Allahuakbar” many times.

The citizens’ initiatives were also seen in restaurants announcing free breakfast and hot drinks. While the youths are responsible for managing the crowd and organizing vehicles to avoid traffic jams.

The residents also contribute to providing transportation for pilgrims to and from the mosque for those who do not have transportation.

The mosque’s imams at his Fajr lecture delivered speeches urging Muslims to make efforts to defend Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem, and to seek access to the mosque in the face of its occupation and illegal settlers. (T/RE1)

Mi‘raj News Agency (MINA)