Gaza Shortages Diagnosis Tools of COVID-19

Gaza, MINA – The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza said it was currently experiencing a shortage of tools to diagnose the coronavirus or COVID-19.

“The Central Laboratory in Gaza has stopped testing after it runs out of the coronavirus detection kit,” said Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra as quoted from Yenisafak on Thursday.

Qidra said dozens of samples are waiting to be tested. In addition, 44 percent of medicines, 31 percent of medical supplies, and 65 percent of laboratory supplies have also been used up.

The authorities in Gaza to date impose 21 days of quarantine for Palestinians from abroad who want to enter Gaza. They are placed in hotels, schools, and health centers.

Gaza continues to fight against the corona virus pandemic despite being in an Israeli blockade that has been running for 13 years.

The Israeli blockade has made it difficult for volunteers and aid to enter Gaza, causing 2 million residents to experience economic downturns and medical shortages.

So far the Palestinian Ministry of Health has confirmed 263 COVID-19 cases, 13 of them in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry also confirmed a total of 500 Palestinians infected with the coronavirus in several countries and 23 died. (T / RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)