Brussels, 15 DHul Qai’da 1434/20 September 2013 (MINA)  – The European campaign to raise awareness about the siege on Gaza has announced that it will make a presentation on the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which affects more than 1,800,000 people on daily basis, on the sidelines of the upcoming UN Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva.

      In a statement, the campaign said “There will be an important debate on the sidelines of the meeting which will take place on Monday, 23rd September,” MEMO reported as monitored by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).

       According to the statement, the campaign’s move comes while “the Egyptian authorities [regularly] close the Rafah border crossing and destroy tunnels and the Israeli occupation authorities tighten the siege that has now been imposed on the Gaza Strip for the seventh year.”

      The Campaign condemned the closure of the Rafah Crossing, which prevents Palestinians from traveling and commercial goods from passing through, including medical aid and food that has been donated from around the world.

        The Campaign demanded that the Rafah Crossing be fully and permanently opened before demolishing the tunnels that serve as lifeline for the Palestinians trapped in Gaza under the siege.(T/P08/P03)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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