Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters

Jakarta, 20 Shawwal 1436/5 August 2015 (MINA) – Chairman of the House Commission I, Mahfudz Siddiq, said it  is no accident that  a number of Israeli citizens and symbols  are present in Tolikara, Papua, and it should be investigated thoroughly.

The government has also “opened” Papua to foreign press recently. Antara News quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Siddiq told the press, on Wednesday (5/8), it has nothing to do with the  the spread of a religion as Judaism is a religion exclusively.

He analyzed the Israelis are present in Tolikara to run a political operation in Papua as a whole. For that reason he had asked the security forces to investigate their presence in Papua.

“It is likely there are others who use these people to run political operations in Papua,” he said.

He said, is not just about Tolikara where the location alone is a restive region. The government  through the Indonesian Police, BIN, TNI, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should investigate the presence of those holding Israeli passports,” he said.

Tolikara case, according to Siddiq,   can be small if it is separated from the context of Papua. However, this case also can become a serious matter if it is placed in the context of Papua, especially the separatist movement.

“They need only a trigger. And it must be remembered Papua is not only part of Indonesia’s interests, but also the interests of other countries,” he said.

Siddiq said, the Government has been given a yellow light and a loud siren on the issue of Papua through a complete settlement Tolikara case.(T/P008/RO6)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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