One of exhibition products in commemorating Nakba day held in Gaza City, Wednesday (14/5), Photo: MINA

Gaza, 16  Rajab 1435/15 May 2014 (MINA) – Palestinians in the Gaza Strip held  various events to commemorate the Palestinians rights to return to their homeland, after the expulsion of a large-scale Palestinians  by Israel in 1948 known as the Nakba.

In Gaza City, Hamas’ refugee affairs division on Wednesday (14/5) held photo exhibition titled ‘Nakba testimony’ to commemorate the 66th year of the Nakba.

 Event organizer Abdullah Hassouna who is also the executive director of Hamas’ refugee affairs told MINA correspondent this exhibition aims to  remind the painful memories of the people who were expelled at the time.

The exhibition documented photographs before and after the Nakba tragedy. “We also put pictures of Palestinians who actively fought against Israel since 1948,” said Hassouna.

In addition, the event exhibited photographs of Palestinians who were expelled and became refugees in various countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and others, as well as mapping their spread.

It’s also reported that the event also aims to restore and enhance the confidence of the Palestinian people to return to their homeland since 1948.

“We hope this exhibition can increase the confidence of the Palestinian people that one day the Palestinians will be able to return to their homeland Palestine, the birthplace of their ancestors,” said Hasouna.

In the ongoing occupation until now, Israel has annexed around 87 percent of  Palestinian land.

Hasouna also called on the international community to encourage and give hope to Palestinians that they would one day return to their homeland.


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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