Cairo, 16 Syawal 1434/23 August 2013 (MINA) –  Social media activists have urged the Egyptian people to save around 250 women and girls who they claim are being detained in a central security facility in Al-Salaam town.

        The girls were arrested last Friday from the Al-Tawheed and Abu Bakr mosques in the Athaher district, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

       The leader of the Al-Karama Organization for human rights, Ahmed Mefreh, said that among the detainees are 16 girls.

      The activists expect the girls to face military trials. But until now, only one lawyer has volunteered to defend them, so it is expected that the girls will face a military prosecutor without lawyers.

       Among the detainees is a girl named Sondos who is only 14 years old. She is charged with possession of an automatic weapon.

       It is anticipated that the girls will face more unjust accusations. Meanwhile, activists are concerned that the girls could be suffering during their detention at the central security facility

Turkish secret diplomacy

        Meanwhile, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu revealed that Turkey has been conducting secret diplomacy in Egypt to meet with deposed President Mohammed Morsi.

       However, Davutoglu also said that releasing former President Hosni Mubarak while the legitimate President Morsi is still in detention reverses the mediation efforts.

       In an interview with a local Turkish channel, the Foreign Minister remarked that the situation in Egypt worsens by the day. He added that from the beginning of the crisis, Turkey had urged other foreign ministers to intervene and help to resolve it.

       He continued: “If the world does not act now to resolve the Egyptian crisis, Egypt will witness the same ordeal as Syria, perhaps worse. Everyone must assume their responsibilities towards the Egyptian and Syrian crises.” (T/P08/E1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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