Bethlehem, 15 Jumadil Akhir 1435/15 April 2014 (MINA) – A Palestinian woman died on Monday because she suffocated from inhaling tear gas during clashes with the Israeli forces in Aidah refugee camp near Bethlehem.

Nuha Qatamish, 44, was announced dead after suffocating from tear gas inhalation, Palestinian medics from Bait Jala Hospital said.

Bethlehem police said an official from hospital officials said that the woman died as result of inhaling tear gas fired by Israeli forces at the refugee camp. Al Ray quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

In recent days, Aidah camp has been repeatedly raided by Israeli occupation forces, injuring dozens in confrontations.

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Israeli occupation forces(IOF) Monday evening opened fire towards the Palestinian farmlands and houses near the site of Kisufime, east of  Khanyounis. 

ALRAY correspondent said that the area witnessed active movements of the occupation jeeps centered on the other side of the border where they shot bullets and stun grenades in the place.

In the same context, Israeli naval forces opened fire towards Palestinian fishermen at the coast of Rafah city in the south of Gaza.

The Israeli occupation forces routinely attack Gazan fishermen and their fishing boats in the context of Israel’s closure of the Gaza Strip, which includes restrictions on the Gaza fishing zone that deprives members of the fishing community of their right to work and puts fishermen’s life and wellbeing at serious risk.


The attacks include violations on the right to livelihood, harassment and shooting, arbitrary arrest and detention that involves abuse, and confiscation of property including fishing boats and nets. The IOF use cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment during fishermen arrests. In 2013, the IOF carried out 147 attacks against fishermen, injuring 10, arresting 22, confiscating 9 boats, and destroying extensive amounts of fishing equipment.(T/P04/P04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)



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