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Muslim Women in Britain Gain Knowledge About Islam in Taklim Assembly

sajadi - Thursday, 23 February 2023 - 22:15 WIB

Thursday, 23 February 2023 - 22:15 WIB


By : Ali Farkhan Tsani, MINA Journalist (Mi’raj News Agency)

The community of converts, people who become Muslims, continues to grow in Britain. A report from the London-based multi-faith non-profit organization Faith Matters mentions just that.

Fiyaz Mughal, Founder and Director of Faith Matters points out, there is a vibrant and growing community of converts in the UK.

“Nearly half of the converts are white British. Many of them are individuals who can act as a bridge between Muslims and non-Muslims,” ​​he said as mentioned in its 2010 report, which will be renewed in 2022.

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“Muslim converts have a role to play in supporting the unity of society and in breaking down cultural norms,” ​​he continued.

The number of converts in the UK, until 2022, is recorded at around 100 thousand Muslims. This figure has doubled over the last decade.

In 2021, it is recorded that 3,466 of the 5,200 converts are white women. This number is equivalent to two-thirds of the total number of converts.

“They generally admit that they are fed up with the immorality and consumerism that prevails in British society,” notes the Tinta Hikmah YouTube account, which was released on May 15, 2022. This viral video was watched by 1,936,336 visitors.

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In terms of gender, most converts are white women aged 20-30 years.

The female converts, most of whom are married mothers and have dependent children. They, the mothers, then began to change their dress style. They started wearing the headscarf to cover their nakedness, after becoming Muslim women.

More than half started wearing the headscarf. Even 5% of them have been wearing a burka (veil).

Many of the women said they experienced difficulties after becoming converts. It was because of the negative attitude among their families, and the discredited opinion of the media.

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However, they are proud, and do not care, even though some people also see it, “become more conservative”.

They are women who gain knowledge about Islam through Islamic Studies. In Indonesia, it is known as the Pengajian or Taklim Assembly.

The women’s community The New Muslim Women’s Group is one of the study groups in the UK.

This group was specifically formed to provide recitation, educational, and social activities. Its goal is to support women who are thinking about converting to Islam.

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This group under the coordination of The London Central Mosque Trust holds sermons every Wednesday night (6.30 pm). Participants must first fill out the online registration form to determine seat capacity.

From the recitation, they are women, then spread Islamic values ​​that bring goodness and progress to others.

They are Muslim converts who continue to make constructive contributions to their families, communities, countries, and the good of the world globally. God willing. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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