Irish Legislator Calls out International Double Standards on Crimes against Humanity

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Dublin, MINA – Irish politician Richard Boyd Barrett exposed the hypocrisy of Western countries over the different treatment of Russia which is currently attacking Ukraine and Israel which is oppressing the Palestinian people.

“All condemnations, condemnations of the Vladimir Putin Regime for invading Ukraine should also be applied to the State of Israel for its treatment of Palestinians,” Barrett said in a video on his Twitter account quoted by MINA on Saturday.

Barret, a member of the People Before Profit Solidarity Party in Ireland emphasized that all parties should condemn the crimes against humanity committed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Ukraine.

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The government immediately moved within five days to impose sanctions on Putin and take urgent action to the use of strong language.

According to Barrett, the treatment of Ireland and other Western countries towards Putin was very appropriate.

“But all of that should also apply to the state of Israel, for its treatment of Palestinians,” Barrett said.

However, Barret regretted that the government was actually worried about using the same language or treatment in Israel and felt it was inappropriate to even use the word apartheid.

Richard also revealed that when Amnesty International, the world’s most respected human rights organization and Human Rights Watch, issued a crime report in a short time, stating that Israel has been based on a system of oppression, domination, apartheid and racism since its founding.

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Involves the continuous killing of unarmed civilians, detention and arrest, land grabbing.

Then, the expulsion of the population, the denial of the basic rights of the 6 million displaced Palestinians, who are outside Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories back to their own homes.

He also conveyed about Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza as stated in the report that Gaza is in a permanent situation of a humanitarian crisis.

“It’s not harsh enough so that you choose to be careful, choose the language for Israel.. You feel happy to use the language of statements that loudest describes the inhumane crimes of Vladimir Putin,” he stressed. (T/RE1)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)