Photo: PIC
Khan Younis municipality in southern Gaza Strip executed, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, 800 chickens and ducks infected with bird flu after being discovered in a farm. (Photo: PIC)

Gaza, 25 Jumadal Akhir 1436/14 April 2015 (MINA) – Khan Younis municipality in southern Gaza Strip executed, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, 800 chickens and ducks infected with bird flu after being discovered in a farm.

The Director of Health and Environment Department in the municipality Yusuf Shubair said, in a statement on Monday (14/4), the Ministry of Agriculture sought help from municipal crews in the process, Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic news Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The implementation of the culling of birds was done according to health conditions followed with the participation of doctors belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture-Veterinary Services, he added.

Shubair explained that the farm owner contacted the Ministry of Agriculture and informed them about the deaths in his large ranch home. The ministry, for its part, took samples from and examined those birds in the designated medical laboratories to make sure they were infected with Avian Flu.

He called on all the owners of ranch homes to be careful and pay good attention to all the birds in case of the emergence of any health symptoms that may lead to death.

He also urged them to inform the Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture in order to protect citizens from any possible health threats. (T/P006/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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