110 French militants killed fighting alongside ISIL: France PM (Photo : Press Tv)
110 French militants killed fighting alongside ISIL: France PM (Photo : Press Tv)

Paris, 16 Sha’ban 1436/ 3 June 2015 (MINA)  –  Over 100 French nationals who had joined the ISIL in Iraq and Syria were killed, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls says.

“More than 860 individuals have spent time in these countries, 471 of whom are still there and 110 of whom are dead,” said Valls while addressing the Senate on Tuesday.

Nine of the dead Takfiri’s have reportedly blown themselves up during bombing attacks, he noted.

A new intelligence bill, which gives the French government vast powers to spy on it citizens, is currently before the upper house Senate. Press Tv quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The act has been in the works for some time but gained momentum following a terrorist attack in Paris which left 17 people dead in January.

Valls defended the controversial bill, which was approved by lawmakers back in May, saying that it “would target people who present a real threat to our security.”

France and Belgium have the largest number of recorded citizens or residents leaving to join the ISIL, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq where the Takfiris carry out heinous crimes and indiscriminately terrorize all communities.

The recent figures have alarmed security officials who fear that the European militants will use the experience they gain with ISIL against their homeland after they return to their own countries.  (T/P002/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)