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Vice President, Grand Sheikh Al-Azhar Discuss Issue of Combating Islamophobia

sajadi - Thursday, 11 July 2024 - 14:05 WIB

Thursday, 11 July 2024 - 14:05 WIB


Grand Sheikh Al-Azhar of Egypt, Ahmad Muhammad Ahmed Al Tayeb with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin (Photo: Vice President)
Grand Sheikh Al-Azhar of Egypt, Ahmad Muhammad Ahmed Al Tayeb with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin (Photo: Vice President)

Jakarta, MINA – Vice President Ma’ruf AminĀ  discussed the issue of combating Islamophobia during a meeting with Grand Sheikh Al-Azhar of Egypt, Ahmad Muhammad Ahmed Al Tayeb at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta.

“We discussed two very important issues. Firstly, how to combat Islamophobia, which unfortunately still exists internationally. That was the first topic discussed,” said Special Staff (Stafsus) of the Vice President for Communication and Information, Masduki Baidlowi at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta on Wednesday.

Masduki explained that the Vice President and the Grand Sheikh also discussed the experiences of each country. In this regard, Al-Azhar represents Moderate Islam in Egypt, while the Vice President has experience as the Rais Aam of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) and Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

“The Vice President shared many experiences regarding the development of Wasatiyyah Islam in Indonesia,” Masduki added.

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He stated that both the Vice President and the Grand Sheikh concluded that combating Islamophobia should not only involve discussions between institutions or international forums, but should also involve political powers of states.

“According to Grand Sheikh Al-Azhar, if we could involve state political powers, it would be more effective and involve more countries,” said Masduki.

They also agreed to intensify the Wasatiyyah Islam or moderate Islam movement to counter extremism under the guidance of Islam.

“They agreed on intensifying the Wasatiyyah Islam movement or moderate Islam movement from various countries,” he said.

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In this context, Indonesia with its experience is expected by the Grand Sheikh to continue to intensify efforts at an international level. Similarly, Al-Azhar of Egypt and several countries in the Middle East will also mobilize efforts.

While Islamophobia is external in nature, extremism within Islam can be countered internally through intensified efforts promoting Wasatiyyah Islam or moderate Islam on an international scale. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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