By: Erdy Nasrul
Day after day will feel different if we decorate it ourselves dhikr. What used to feel restlessness turned into calm. Those who usually feel less have enough, even feel more, because remembering Allah makes them grateful.
Any favors received are always addressed with gratitude to Allah. Then, what was once greedy, stingy, and selfish turned into a philanthropist and always put the benefit of many people first, even willing to sacrifice what he had for the good of many people, especially the poor.
Even life feels amazing. From ordinary to full of magic. This is because Allah remembers those who make dhikr, who remember Him.
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Then grant the prayer that they always say every prayer, as stated in surah al-Fatihah verse 6, “Ihdina as-shiratal mustaqim.” That is, O Allah, show us the straight path. The point is to make our good affairs easy.
For example, we have the business of sending children to boarding schools. The hope is that the child will memorize the Quran. However, at that time there was not enough money for registration fees and going to boarding schools.
Because of good intentions, efforts, prayers, and sincere remembrance, Allah paved the way for realizing that dream. Suddenly, a brother came to ask about the child. Then give some money to study at the Islamic Boarding School. Masha Allah. This is a miracle.
Another version, we always pray to Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala dhikr thousands of times. LAfter that we ride a motorcycle to a place. Halfway through, we refuel retail.
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The seller was very friendly greeting us. Even praying for us sincerely, even though he doesn’t know who we are. This is a miracle, which we may not be aware of.
Before doing dhikr, do ablution first so that you are clean from hadas and you become pure. In a state of purity, direct the heart to remember and know the majesty of Allah and His noble qualities. Then start saying good sentences (kalimah thayyibah), as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad, such as the sentence of monotheism laa ilaaha illa Allah. Then accompanied by asking for forgiveness (istighfar).
The head of the ulama (sulthanul ulama) Izzuddin bin Abdissalam in Syajaratul Ma’arif explained that zikrullah is the best effort to remember (Dhikruhu ashrafu min kulli dzikrin) and the best remembrance sentence is laa ilaaha illa Allah, which means there is no god but Allah.
Get in the habit of saying this sentence every day from hundreds to thousands of times. Not always in a sitting state after prayer, dhikr can also be done while controlling the vehicle, while sitting in the office, at tourist attractions, and in good places.
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If you are used to dhikr, later in life, at the end of life, our mouths will be easy to say laa ilaaha illa Allah so that the end of our lives is goodness (husnul khatimah), as the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad from Muadz bin Jabal and narrated by Imam Abu Daud.
It must be understood that dhikr is not for Allah, because He is already Perfect. This is for ourselves, for internal and external reminders, which were originally immoral, to do good for Allah that Allah is the Almighty, while we are nothing.
Dhikr will produce ma’rifatullah. Sheikh Izzuddin explained, the parable of makrifatullah is like a nice shady tree whose roots in the form of knowledge of God’s essence spread downward so that it firmly supports arguments and explanations.
While the branches in the form of ma’rifatus shifat, towering to the sky, the meaning is honorable and noble. The fruit (ie calmness and noble character) always appears and is felt by many people.
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Izzuddin explained, this tree consists of three branches. The first is knowing the qualities that negate Allah from all flaws and defects. This branch is further divided into efforts to negate forgetfulness, sleep, injustice, and enmity, all of which do not exist in Allah.
The second is knowing the nature of the essence. There are seven branches that accompany it, namely life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, seeing, and speaking.
The third is the branch of knowing the nature and deeds of Allah. There are many branches, including giving harm and benefit, forgiving sins and covering disgrace, giving favors and punishments, and glorifying and destroying people.
When the makrifat tree grows in the heart, we will know the beauty of Allah, love those who know His greatness (the saints, prophets, and apostles), know His compassion and how painful His punishment is, full of hope.
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He was filled with fear of Allah and full of hope for his love. Also believe wholeheartedly that Allah is one. Makrifat is the origin of all goodness (ashlun li kulli khairin wa mashdarun li kulli birrin) and blocks all evil. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)