Rohingya Refugees Worries of Escalating Violence After Coup in Myanmar

Dhaka, MINA – The Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh worries about the safety of their brothers in Rakhine State after the coup that took place in Myanmar.

“We are worries that the Tatmadaw (Myanmar army) will smooth it out again operation,” Muhammad Ansar, 35, one of the 750,000 Rohingya who fled from brutal violence and military abuse in 2017, told Anadolu Agency on February 6.

Thousand of Muslims men, woman and children killed, thrown in fires and raped in the Buddhist majority country.

Bangladesh accommodation more than million Rohingya in emergency camp in Cox’s Bazar, considered to be the world largest refugee settlement.

Meanwhile, at least 600.000 from of
them still live in various countries in Southeast Asia without citizenship and voting rights.

Myanmar millitary currently taking power and has declared a state of emergency for a year

The Civil leaders, including Aung San Suu Kyi, accused of violating import and export laws and possession of illegal communication devices, are still under house arrest.

“We are can’t contact our relatives in Rakhine because cellular networks are often interrupted. We heard that the military might smooth it out a new crackdown. I am worries, “said Jumalida Begum (36).

Rahmat Karim (57), said all hopes of returning to his homeland had been shattered after the military took power on February 1.

“”He is very unlikely now,” he said.

Beforehand, Myanmar said said it was committed to repatriation under a bilateral agreement with Bangladesh. (T/Hju/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)