Ali Farkhan Tsani (Photo: Zaenal/Mirajnews)
Ali Farkhan Tsani. (Photo: Zaenal/Mirajnews)

Jakarta, 12 Dzulqa’dah 1435/7 September 2014 (MINA) – One of Jemaah Muslimin (Hizbullah) preachers, Ali Farkhan Tsani said caliphate that is following Prophethood system surely can manage the world and the Western leaders know it.

“The characteristic of caliphate is based on Islam that is “rahmatan lil alamin” (blessings for all universe and its contents). It passes through  states and territorial borders and with the Allah’s help, it will manage to rule the world,” said Ali Farkhan in a monthly gathering of Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) in Darul Muttaqin mosque, Jakarta , on Sunday.

Ali Farkhan who has studied in Yemen also said that the former US President George W. Bush Jr. has said that the caliphate would become an Islamic empire. It would cross Muslim countries and stretch from Europe, North Africa,  Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

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According to him, the Western leaders are concerned about it and they tried to block the development of the caliphate with global conspiracy and demonize it as dangerous to everyone.

Some of the western conspiracy were the military invasion in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia,  and the Israeli military aggression on Gaza.

Commenting on the existence of ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant), also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syam (ISIS) or shortened as Islamic State (IS), Ali Farkhan said the group is a part of western conspiracy to make a bad image of Islam and the Islamic State (IS) declared caliphate is un-Islamic because their mission is to smear Islam, spread sectarian strife and destabilize the Middle East.

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“The purpose of the caliphate not to seek power. It should be for blessings for all universe and its contents. Everyone should feel safe with its existence. That is the caliphate that is following prophethood system,” he said.

Ali Farkhan who is also a preacher in AlFatah Islamic Boarding School said that the caliphate has to strengthen brotherhood, not hostility fellow Muslims.

At the same occasion, the chairman of Jamaah Muslimin (Hizbullah) Jakarta branch  Syamsuddin Ahmad said that the issue of  ISIL be a slander which used by the enemies of Islam to marginalize Muslims.

“Avoiding the slander, Muslims should strengthen brotherhood, congregation and unity. Muslims also have to return to the Al-Quran and Sunnah,” he said.(L/P001/P009/R03/P3).

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Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)