Bogor, 23 Sha’ban 1434 / 2 July , 2013 (MINA) –  The rector of  Bukhta Ridha University, Sudan, Sheikh Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahab Mohammed Mustafa invites Muslims to unite through Islamic education.

“The split happened among Muslims, one way to make Muslims unification  is through Islamic education. Islamic education or tarbiyah Islamiyah, can straighten bad morals into the good way,” he said on Tabligh akbar Talim Sha’ban Jamaah Muslimin (Hizbullah) 1434 in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, Saturday (29/6).

According to the rector, Tarbiyah Islamiyah (Islamic educatin) is a process to improve Muslims moral, with good Islamic education ,Muslims will gain victorious.

“Something important must be taken as a priority than the non-essential one, in the process of Tarbiyah we must take a variety ways to achieve it” he said.

He added tarbiyah Islamiyah has a wide meaning, to make  people have strong belief in Islam. “Tarbiyah islamiyah is closely related to Islamic law,” Abdel Wahab said.

Rector of the University Bukhta Ridha Sudan, Prof. Sheikh. Dr.. Mustafa Mohammed Abdel Wahab became one of the speakers at the event Ta’lim Sha’ban Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) 1434 which was held in Pesantren Al-Fatah, Bogor, 19-20 Sha’ban 1434/ 29-30 June 2013. The event also attended by Head of Rabithah Palestinian cleric in Yemen, Sheikh Muhammad Mahmud Shiyam and the chairman of Islamic Assciation (PERSIS) Prof. Dr.. Maman Abdurrahman, M.A..

Indonesia and Sudan have a close historical relationship. Such relationship can be more meaningful if it is fostered with concrete cooperation for the mutual benefit of both countries. One way to do it is through education which will encourage a more intense “people-to-people contact”.

Currently, there are 315 Indonesian students studying in Sudan, mostly endowed with scholarship. However, there are not many Sudanese students studying in Indonesia. For that reason, a concerted effort is needed for a balance, such as by providing scholarships to students from Sudan and the promoting Indonesian education to Sudanese.

The relationship between Indonesia and Sudan has been close since 1955, when Indonesia hosted the Asia-Africa Conference.(L/P05/P015/P04)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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