(Photo: Al-Ray)
(Photo: Al-Ray)

Ramallah, 4 Ramadhan 1436/21 June 2015 (MINA) – Israeli occupation authorities annulled the family unification dealing of Ghassan Abu Jamal family, the family urged the international human rights organizations to intervene to stop Israeli decision against the family.

Israeli occupation authorities issued deportation decision against Nadyah al-Qadee the wife of Ghassan Abu Jamal, who was killed by Israeli forces, the decision stated that she must be expelled from Jerusalem and deprived from her children.

The family explained that the Israeli court did not agree on the residence of al-Qadee inside Jerusalem, and that until holding a hearing in the Israeli Supreme Court al-Qadee was denied the access to Jerusalem.

Al-Qadee explained that the interrogator notified her about cancelling the deal of unification family and the residing in Jerusalem after interrogating her at al-Muskubīya interrogation center, Al-Ray Palestinian News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Al-Qadee lives in Sawahrah town in Jerusalem and hold the West Bank identity card; she got married with Ghassan in 2002.

She was handed an agreement on the unification family from the Israeli court in 2009, and granted her a residence permit  in Jerusalem and   the free movement right between Jerusalem and the West Bank cities via the main check point only. It also provided that the residence permit would be renewed every year.

She explained that the valid date of the residence permit is until the end of May 20015. Two weeks ago, the Israeli authorities issued a deportation decision against her.

Israeli authorities also deprived her three children from the right to be treated in hospitals inside occupied Palestine. Her oldest son Waleed, 6, suffers heart disease, and Mohammed,3, suffers  Nerve diseases. Her three children have been deprived of the National Insurance benefits as well.(T/R05/R03)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)


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