Israel plans to build 63,000 housing units in O. Jerusalem, West Bank. (Photo: PIC)
Israel plans to build 63,000 housing units in O. Jerusalem, West Bank. (Photo: PIC)

Bethlehem, 1 Rabi’ul Akhir 1437/11 Januari 2016 – Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) started the construction of two military watchtowers in Bethlehem and al-Khalil provinces in southern West Bank.

The Land Research Center said that Israeli forces escorted by military vehicles started, without a prior notice, working on leveling a land lot of 1.5 dunum area that belongs to Issa al-Froukh as well as another land, of 1 dunum area, that belongs to another resident of Jaradat family in Taqoa in southern Bethlehem, The Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

In the same context, local sources revealed that the IOF soldiers are working on leveling a land plot for Ismail Shalalda in Wadi Saeer area in al-Khalil for the establishment of a military watchtower.

The municipality of Saeer said, in a statement in the beginning of the month, that establishing that tower will block Palestinians’ traffic between the eastern countrysides of both West Bank provinces of Bethlehem and al-Khalil.(T/P008/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)