Photo: FJP official website
Cairo, 18 Dhul Qa’ida 1434/24 September 2013 (MINA) – The Muslim Brotherhood’s Legal Committee rejected as null and void the legal ruling to ban the group’s registered Association, affirming that the ban does not conform to the law and legal procedures.

“The verdict was issued by a court out of jurisdiction, and did not follow proper legal procedures that dictate the presence of both parties to the dispute before the court,” legal committee’s statement released on FJP’s official website as monitored by MINA (Mi’raj News Agency).

“Furthermore, the merits of the case were invalid, since they are not based on the law. This ruling is deemed a circumvention of the administrative court competent to adjudicate in this matter.”

The Legal Committee also pointed that talking about committing violence and terrorism in proceedings still under investigation is a misplaced and unacceptable jumping of events. It noted that the issue “comes within the framework of political exclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood”.

The Committee further underscored that banning the Muslim Brotherhood Association is “a serious setback”, pointing that “everyone was talking about the importance of ‘legalizing’ the situation of the Muslim Brotherhood. Then, only months after registering the Association, we see this happening in an outrageously illegal manner, by a worthless invalid ruling”.

Egyptian court on Monday (23/9) decided the biggest organization in Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, as a banned organization,  showing such  bans  in the Mubarak era.

Egyptian court on Monday (23/9) decided the biggest organization in Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood, as a banned organization,  showing such  bans  in the Mubarak era. The ruling on Monday applies to the group, its NGO and “any organisation derived from it,” judges said.

The court also ordered the interim government to seize the group’s funds and establish a panel to administer its frozen assets until any appeal had been heard. A Brotherhood source told the verdict would be appealed within ten days.

Previously, after Egypt’s military overthrew the free elected president, Mohammed Morsi, they froze the assets of Brotherhood’s leaders as well as another Islamic party leaders,  as observers say as something ‘ridicolous’.

The organization that established 85 years ago facing threats after Morsi –one of brotherhood leaders- was ousted in July 2013, returning them to the ‘terrible’ days during Mubarak regime, as residents affiliated with the Brotherhood was captured and lived under government threats.

Brotherhood  registered its organization legally on March 2013, and had a chance to reinstate in government.

Morsi, during his power,  gave chances for about 1.8 million Palestinians in Gaza who lived many years  under Israeli siege. one of them is that he reopened Egyptian-Gaza border, Rafah, without any hours restriction.

Previously, an attorney filed a lawsuit accusing the dissolution of the Brotherhood  and accused the  organization has been established against the law.

After the coup, National Alliance made up of parties said they would continue to protest until  Morsi’s reinstatement  as well as Brotherhood leaders  and its members that arrested since the coup is released.(T/P03/P04)


Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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