Wallonia, the predominantly French-speaking southern region of Belgium, called on its government to fully recognize Palestine as an independent state. (ilustration:

Brussels, 26 Rabi’ul Awwal 1436/17 January 2015 (MINA) –  Wallonia, the predominantly French-speaking southern region of Belgium, Wednesday called on its government to fully recognize Palestine as an independent state, said an official source.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that Wallonia has called on its government to vote in favor of recognizing a Palestinian independent state, making it the third regional parliament to call for such recognition, Wafa Palestinian News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

A total of 61 parliamentarians of 94 voted in favor of the recognition, while 27 voted against it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the vote considering it a message to all other regional European parliaments of the importance to end the Israeli occupation and achieve stability and security in the Middle East.

Head of the Palestinian National Council Salim Za‘noun commented on the continuous European recognitions saying, “The string of calls by European parliaments to recognize the Palestinian people’s right to create their independent state provides further evidence that the world has grown weary of the ongoing Israeli occupation’s racist policies and violations against the Palestinian people and non-compliance with internationally binding resolutions.”(T/R05/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)