Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Al-Quds Ambassador: Al-Aqsa Belongs to Muslims

sajadi - Sunday, 26 December 2021 - 08:37 WIB

Sunday, 26 December 2021 - 08:37 WIB


Bandung, MINA – Al-Quds Ambassador Ali Farkhan Tsani emphasized that the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Palestine belongs to Muslims based on a review of the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith.

“In the first verse of the Al-Quran Surah Al-Isra it is very clear how Allah mentions the name of the Al-Aqsa Mosque together with the Grand Mosque,” said Ali Farkhan, at the Training For Trainer (TFT) for the Study of Al-Quds and Palestine in Bandung, West Java on Saturday.

The Al-Quds Ambassador, an alumni of Mu’assasah Al-Quds Ad-Dauliyah Yemen, added that several hadiths of the Prophet also mentioned the virtues of visiting and praying at the Aqsa Mosque, and that showed Al-Aqsa as the main place of worship for Muslims.

“As a young generation of Muslims, we must live this as the foundation of the struggle for the liberation of Al-Aqsa. So, our struggle to liberate Al-Aqsa from the shackles of zionist occupation is because it is indeed in the context of practicing the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith,” continued the Senior Editor of the MINA News Agency.

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From a historical perspective, he also conveyed how all the Prophets were related to the Aqsa Mosque as the first qibla of Muslims. Including the leadership of Muslims during the Rashidun Caliph, the Umayyads, the Abbasids to the Ottoman Turks, all of them were very concerned about Al-Aqsa.

As for knowing the latest developments on the conditions and situation in the Aqsa Mosque and Palestine as a whole, he recommended that the training participants regularly read news and writings about Palestine on the online media page

“The development of Al-Aqsa and Palestine is very complex and constantly moving, so we must continue to monitor it. Moreover, the participants who will later become young Al-Quds ambassadors, who will socialize Al-Aqsa to the people,” he continued.

Training for Trainers (TFT) for the deepening of Al-Quds and Palestine in the West Java Region was organized by the West Java Aqsa Working Group Palestinian Institute, which was filled with speakers from Yemen and Depok Al-Quds Daurah Alumni.

Also Read: Israeli Authorities Restrict Palestinian Access to Al-Aqsa on Final Friday of Ramadan

The Yemen and Depok Al-Quds Alumni Association has been appointed by Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur as the Main Trustee of the Central AWG, on November 21, 2021, by appointing Munif Nasir as Chairman and Ali Farkhan Tsani as Secretary.

The main program launched by the Daurah Al-Quds Alumni Association is holding Training for Trainers (TFT) and outreach in the regions. The first TFT hold in Bandung, December 25-26 2021. Present as speakers were the Al-Quds Ambassadors: Munif Nasir, Tomy Jatnika, Munawar Zayyin, Ade Taqiyudin, and Yasir Hidayat. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

Also Read: 75,000 Muslims Perform Last Friday Prayer in Ramadan at Al-Aqsa

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