37 Palestinians Injured by Israeli Gunfire at Gaza Border


Gaza, MINA — At least 37 protesters were injured by live bullets and others suffocated from teargas inhalation on Friday as Israeli forces continued attacking the Great March of Return protests at Gaza-Israel border, WAFA reported, citing the Ministry of Health.

The forces fired live bullets and rubber-coated steel rounds at the protesters who gathered at many encampments along the border, injuring 37 protesters by live gunfire, including six children and a paramedic.

Some of the wounded were moved to hospital and others were treated in the field hospitals.

More than 210 Palestinians have been killed and over 22,000 others injured by Israeli forces since the outbreak of the Great March of Return protests at Gaza border on March 30.

Most of the casualties occurred on May 14 when Israeli forces attacked Palestinian protesters marking the 70th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of historical Palestine and the ensuing ethnic cleansing of half a million Palestinian refugees. (T//RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)