Woman carries out early morning prayer in train carriage
Woman carries out early morning prayer in train carriage (Photo: Path, Onne Nurmalita)
Woman performed early morning prayer in train carriage (Photo: Path, Onne Nurmalita)

Depok, 13  Muharram 1436/5 November 2014 (MINA) – It happened in a special carriage for women passengers in the Jakarta Commuter Line train. The woman performed Subuh (Fajr) prayer in train carriage because she departed from her home very early in the morning and did not have opportunity to carry out the prayer at her home.

Every workplace had rules respectively about time to come for working. Capital conditions are difficult to predict makes workers willing to leave early in the morning to avoid late to the office.

It became a sensational event in social media, especially Path. “Subhanallah, she carries out Fajr prayer in train carriage,” wrote a train passenger, Onne Nurmalita on her path account, Thursday, June 5, 2014, Dream.co.id  quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting on Wednesday.

Seeing a different scene on the train, ​​Onne Nourmalita took a phone camera. She shot the event and uploaded it in Path.

The Commuter Line train serves Depok to Jatinegara route. The Identity of the woman who prayed on the train has not been known yet. (T/P009/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)