Malang Mayor Sutiaji, inaugurated the Movement to Build (Gate) Kampoeng Quran Wijaya Kusama, which is located on Jalan Kalimasada, Polehan, Blimbing District. This village was confirmed as a Quran Village because it already has dozens of Quran learning classes which are managed independently by the people of Wijaya Kusuma Village.
Sutiaji said this program was in accordance with the vision of the Malang City Government (Pemkot). The vision in question includes One Citizens Association, One Hafiz. The program has been launched by the Malang City Government for a long time.
According to Sutiaji, currently Malang City also has a hafiz program. The program already has students who are always given a motivation of Rp. 1 million.
“And we encourage this continuously, so that we can ground the Quran in the lives of Malang City residents,” said the bespectacled man.
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Sutiaji hopes that this movement can become a pilot program to socialize the Koran. If in other areas there is an English Village, then Malang City has a Koran Village. Sutiaji ensured that his party would continue to pray for and support each other.
“Of course we thank you and appreciate it, of course we will encourage this Quran Village to be a strength and hopefully Malang City will become baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur,” he said.
After inaugurating the Kampoeng Quran Wijaya Kusama Gate, Sutiaji also had the opportunity to see firsthand the Quran houses in the village.
He also took the time to recite the Quran with the residents in these houses.
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Meanwhile, Head of the Kampoeng Quran Wijaya Kusama Gate, Muhammad Burhan explained, every mosque in this village has a Quran Education Park (TPQ). In fact, residents’ homes are also used as places for learning the Koran.
In addition, the Citizens Association also has a routine monthly recitation program which is held in rotation in each Neighborhood Association. Currently, at least 21 Quran classes have been formed in Wijaya Kusuma Village. If you add the TPQ, Pondok Hafiz, and Madrasah Quran, the total number of classes is 65 Quran classes in that place.
Muhammad Burhan hopes that the Kampoeng Quran Gate can encourage local residents to read the Quran properly and correctly. Then the name of this village can be added to the village of Hafiz in the future.
He also expressed his readiness to be appointed as a pilot model in the
movement. (T/RE1)
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Source: malang-ini-dikukuhkan-jadi-kampung-quran-mengapa">
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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