Israel Demolishes Palestinian Structures in Jordan Valley

Jordan Valley, MINA – Israeli bulldozers demolished on Thursday a number of Palestinian structures and agricultural facilities in the Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley, to the north of occupied West Bank.

Local activist Atef Daraghmeh told Quds Press that several Israeli bulldozers stormed the town and started demolishing a number of structures belong to a Palestinian identified as Khalid Sawafta, PIC reported.

Daraghmeh called on international rights organizations to provide protection to Palestinians in the Jordan Valley in light of the Israeli systematic demolition and displacement policy.

In Area C, the more than 60 percent of the West Bank under full Israeli security and civilian control, Palestinian construction and land management is prohibited unless through consent or authorization by the Israeli Civil Administration.

Nearly all Palestinian applications for building permits in Area C are denied by the Israeli authorities, forcing communities to build illegally.

Meanwhile, the estimated 650,000 Jewish Israeli settlers in West Bank are more easily given building permits and allowed to expand their homes and properties, despite living in settlements that violate international law.(R/R04/RS5)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)