Indonesia Supports UN Resolution on Humanitarian Situation in Ukraine

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New York, MINA – Indonesia together with 139 other countries support the UN Security Council resolution regarding the humanitarian situation in Ukraine with the title “Humanitarian Consequences of the Aggression against Ukraine” adopted by voting on Thursday local time.

Indonesia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York Arrmanatha Nasir said that Indonesia was actively involved in discussing the resolution, such as providing various inputs on the substance that constructive.

“Indonesia’s only goal is to ensure that the international community can immediately address the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” said Arrmanatha in a press statement.

In addition, at every opportunity in discussing the Ukraine issue at the United Nations, Indonesia has consistently called for an immediate end to the war, overcoming humanitarian problems and encouraging progress in dialogue and negotiations between all parties in Ukraine.

The humanitarian situation in Ukraine in recent weeks steadily worsened. The number of refugees has exceeded 3 million people in 1 last month. Public infrastructure has been damaged.

Through this resolution, members of the United Nations expressed concern and urged immediate action to be taken to address humanitarian problems in Ukraine and beyond.

The resolution was the first resolution on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine that was successfully adopted at the United Nations. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)