Hamas Agrees with Qatari-Egyptian Proposal for Gaza Ceasefire 

Gaza, MINA – The Hamas Resistance Movement on Monday afternoon has agreed to a proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza war submitted by mediators Qatar and Egypt.

Although until this news was published, Israel had not commented on the proposal.

In an official Hamas statement received by MINA on Tuesday, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, made telephone calls with the Prime Minister of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and with the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence, Abbas Kamel .

He informed them of Hamas’ approval of their proposal regarding a ceasefire agreement, the group said in a statement.

The ceasefire proposal includes three phases, including a permanent ceasefire.

Meanwhile, according to information gathered by MINA, from the Sehab news agency, Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Khalil Al-Hayya, confirmed to Al Jazeera that there were three phases in the ceasefire agreement.

He said mediators had told Hamas that the United States president was committed to ensuring implementation of the agreement.

The US proposed a ceasefire for six weeks. The three phases of the ceasefire began with a 40-day ceasefire agreement.

The first phase involves the withdrawal of Zionist troops from Gaza and a permanent ceasefire.

This phasec oincided with Israel’s withdrawal from the Netzarim corridor that Israel used to divide north and south Gaza.

In addition, the return of expelled Gazans and the exchange of Israeli and Palestinian prisoners.

The second and third phases include a 42-day ceasefire for each phase.

The second phase would include agreeing to a permanent cessation of military operations and warfare, and the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza.

The proposal also includes provisions agreeing to end the blockade of Gaza in the third phase.

“We know this is a phased plan. We know that this was based on an exchange of captives and detainees as part of a ceasefire, followed by a second part, including other exchanges. “The third stage will discuss further reconstruction,” concluded Hayya. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)