Israeli soldiers patrol near the West Bank city of Hebron in the search for three missing teenagers. Photograph: Ronen Zvulun/Reuters
Israeli soldiers patrol near the West Bank city of Hebron in the search for three missing teenagers. Photograph: Ronen Zvulun/Reuters

West Bank, 14 Jumadil Akhir 1436 /3 April 2015 (MINA) – Israeli occupation forces injured 64 Palestinians in just one week, UN figures have revealed.

Most of the injuries during the period 24-30 March took place in the context of protests across the West Bank to mark ‘Land Day’.

6,028 Palestinians in the West Bank were injured by the IDF in the West Bank in 2014. See Israel’s military occupation in 2014, by the numbers, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

In a “serious incident” next to Shua’fat checkpoint in Occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli forces “shot and injured with rubber bullets a 9-year-old girl while on her way back from school.”

Meanwhile, 20-year-old Ali Mahmoud Safi died of injuries sustained the previous week, when Israeli forces shot him with live ammunition during clashes at Al Jalazun refugee camp near Ramallah.

The number of Palestinians injured in the West Bank during the reporting period (59) is more than double the weekly average in 2015 to date (26).

Five Palestinians were also injured in the Gaza Strip during protests in the Israeli-imposed ‘no go’ zone near the border fence. (T/P002/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)