2012-11-30, 21:09:44

    Jakarta, 18 Muharram 1434/30 November (MINA) –The Central Board of Muhammadiyah through its Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) is preparing a program for psychiatric treatment of Palestinian children victims of the conflict in Gaza.
    MDMC chairman of Muhammadiyah, Budi Setiawan, as quoted by the Indonesia’s second largest Muslim organization’s website, Friday, has said the protracted conflict Gaza due to Israeli military aggression have caused many people fell victim, including children, especially those losing families.

    Considering the future generations of Palestinian children, said Budi Setiawan, Muhammadiyah is now setting up a special program called Children Center for Palestinian Children.
   Budi Setiawan said the war would leave a prolonged trauma for children in Gaza, so the trauma healing will be the main focus of Muhammadiyah in helping them.    Muhammadiyah Children Center Program is a collaboration between LAZISMU (Muhammadiyah body for collecting zakah, infaq and shadaqoh) and MDMC.
   For the next stage, cooperation between these two bodies under Muhammdiyah will also set up schools in Palestine, according to Budi Setiawan.
MDMC initiated in 2007 that later confirmed as the agency in charge of coordinating resource in disaster management , that established after Muhammadiyah Congress in 2010.
   MDMC engaged in disaster management activities in accordance with the definition of disaster management activities in both Mitigation and Preparedness, Emergency Response and Rehabilitation. MDMC adopt voluntary codes of conduct and humanitarian charter applicable to international humanitarian relief efforts.
   Also, developing a mission for disaster risk reduction in line with Hygo Framework for Action and is expanding its preparedness at the community level, schools and hospitals as the bases of the Muhammadiyah movement 100 years ago.
   MDMC engaged in activities throughout the disaster in Indonesia, according to region Persyarikatan legal Muhammadiyah in developing MDMC operations at the Regional Chairman of Muhammadiyah (province) and MDMC at the Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership (District). (T/R03/R05).

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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