Indonesian MER-C Holds Qurban for Gaza

Indonesian MER-C volunteer from Indonesia is putting up a notice banner in the area of Indonesian Hospital in Bait Lahiya, Gaza, Palestine, Monday, March 4, 2019. (Photo: Edy Wahyudi / MER-C)

Jakarta, MINA -Indonesian NGO which concerns on medical treatment and humanity,  Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) will hold a Gaza Qurban Care program which is channeled through 29 Volunteers who are building the second phase of Indonesian Hospital in Gaza.

“MER-C through MER-C Cab Gaza, InshaAllah, they are ready to carry out the intentions of Mr and Mrs, Friends who want to sacrifice for our brothers in Gaza, Palestine,” said MER-C, Saturday, July 20.

Qurban animal prices as follows:
Lamb = Rp. 5,000,000; Weight of 40 kg
Camels = Rp. 29,000,000; Weight of 350 kg
Cow = Rp. 33,000,000, Weight of 400 kg

For interested brothers can contact MER-C Call Center on 0811990176 (WhatsApp), Tina

“Then carry out a prayer for your Lord, and sacrifice, as worship and draw closer to Allah.” (Al-Kautsar: 2). (TL/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).