Bayt Lahia, 16 Ramadan 1434 / July 24, 2013 (MINA) – Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in his visit to the Hospital of Indonesia (RSI) in Gaza, said that RSI is the prove that Indonesia in love with Al-Aqsha.
“It is clearly prove that all of you really care and love towards Al-Aqsa Mosque, we can see on the octagonal shape of the hospital building which resembles the shape of Qubbah As-shakhrah beside Majid Al-Aqsa”, said Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh to Indonesian volunteers, Tuesday (23/7).
According to him, Indonesia is the country with the largest number of Muslims in the world that always make Palestine proud and Palestinian also very love to Indonesians.
“I am really sure that your coming to Palestine only expect the pleasure of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and I wish you all of your charity will be received, one thing that is very important is the people of Indonesia really love to Al-Aqsa Mosque which is still occupied by Israel”, he said.
Then haniyah said the people of Indonesia are willing to abandon their wives, children, family, to be a volunteer in the land of Palestine. The existence of all the volunteers in Palestine may Allah bless you all and noted as jihad.
“We pray to Allah, I hope one day we all gathered to pray in Masjid Al-Aqsa,” said Haniya.
After visiting RSI Gaza, Haniya headed to Khulafa Arrasyidin Mosque, the mosque which located 400 meters from the RSI, Haniya led Isha and tarawih prayers at that mosque. (T/P05/P04).
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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