Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



AWG Voicing “Al-Aqsa Haqquna” At the 13th Al-Quds and Palestine Pioneer Conference in Istanbul

sajadi - Saturday, 24 December 2022 - 14:30 WIB

Saturday, 24 December 2022 - 14:30 WIB


Istanbul, MINA – The Chairman of the Presidium of the Aqsa Working Group (AWG), Nur Ikhwan Abadi, said that the liberation of Al-Aqsa and Palestine can only be carried out with the unity of the Muslim Ummah under a leader or Imaam whom Allah and the Prophet bless.

“The unity of the Ummah under a leadership is the key to our victory in fighting for the liberation of Al-Aqsa and Palestine, Allahu Akbar Al-Aqsa Haqquna,” he said in front of 700 activists and Palestinian struggle figures from 50 countries at the 13th Al-Quds Pioneer Conference in Istanbul on Thursday.

Nur Ikhwan conveyed the message of the Trustees of the Aqsa Working Group (AWG) Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur for the conference participants, the first is thanks and congratulations for holding this conference, the second is that we must be sure that the Al-Aqsa Mosque will be liberated from Israeli Zionists on condition Muslims are united in their struggle.

Furthermore, Imaam appreciates all forms of efforts and endeavors for the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine by the pioneers and movement figures by emphasizing not to feel superior and most righteous among the people as the word of Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala in surah An-Najm (32) .

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Fourthly, the duty of the ummah is to strive to the maximum “haqqa jihadih” and leave the results of their efforts to Allah, if successful they are not proud and not sad and despair in failure. As for the fifth, the hope is that Muslims can pray in congregation at the Al-Aqsa Mosque behind the Imaam who is blessed by Allah and His Messenger and the Muslims.

On that occasion, the Aqsa Working Group presented a video of the activities of the Palestine Solidarity Month (BSP).

Rifa Berliana, Head of Research and Development and Regeneration of AWG, emphasized that this is a joint work of Muslims in Indonesia to make the Palestinian issue increasingly known to Indonesian people, especially young people and intellectuals.

The Palestine Solidarity Month (BSP), which has activities ranging from Gowes Al-Aqsa, Millennial Peacemaker Forum Talkshows, Competitions, and climbing mountains while raising the Palestinian flag, received appreciation from the conference committee and participants.

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The conference was attended by around 500 activists, figures from institutions and agencies that support the struggle for the liberation of Al-Quds and Palestine, while from Indonesia, the Aqsa Working Group (AWG) sent the Chairperson of the Presidium Nur Ikhwan Abadi, Head of Research and Development and Cadres Rifa Berliana and Advisors of the Aqsa Working Group (AWG) Jadebotabek Bureau Nurdin Somadi. (T/RE1)

Miraj News Agency (MINA)

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