Jakarta, MINA – Commemorating World Labor Day or May Day on May 1, President of Confederation of Indonesian Prosperous Labor Unions (KSBSI) Mudhofir Khamid requested revision of Government Regulation (PP) number 78 of 2015.
“Yesterday’s labors refused (PP No.78) because they were not involved in determining the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) at the provincial and district levels, so, Labor unions wanted to be involved in the negotiations,” Mudhofir said.
He hopes that there will be a dialogue on the wage system that can be agreed between labor unions, employers and the government.
In addition to KSBSI, Federation of Indonesian Various Sector Workers’ Unions (FSPASI) also demanded the revocation of PP No.78.
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FSPASI President, Herry Hermawan assessed that PP violated the 1945 Constitution and Labor Law No.13 of 2003.
“We ask government to revoke PP No.78 of 2015 concerning wages,” he said while in the Patung Kuda Area, Monas, Central Jakarta.
PP No.78 is a Government regulation on wages issued in 2015 by President Joko Widodo.
Since its inception, the PP has been rejected because it is considered to have tormented the lives of Indonesian Workers and People. (T/Sj/P2)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)