Israeli Occupation’s Bullets Kill Palestinian Child and Hit another in Jenin

Photo: M Shaaban/MINA

Jenin, MINA – A Palestinian child was killed and another critically wounded by the Israeli occupation forces’ bullets in Jenin today, Saturday, MINA’s Contributor in Palestine reports.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the death of the 17-year-old boy, Amjad Al-Fayed, and the injury of another 18-year-old one, who was critically injured during the occupation’s aggression on Jenin city and its camp.

The occupation forces stormed the city of Jenin and its camp, at dawn today, and violent confrontations took place with the Palestinian youth, during which the Israeli forces fired live bullets at them.

After the announcement of the martyrdom of Al-Fayed, a march began in front of Ibn Sina Hospital in the city of Jenin, in which mourners carried the body of the martyr and roamed the streets of the city and its camp.

The participants in the march chanted slogans condemning the crimes of the occupation and calling for an escalation of the resistance, in order to confront the terrorism and crimes of the occupation against the Palestinian people, their land, and their holy sites. (LKG/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)