Gaza, 26 Muharram 1435/30 November 2013 (MINA) – Israeli occupation soldiers, stationed across the border with Gaza, opened fire at Palestinian farmers working in their lands, east of Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

         Local sources have reported that the farmers were only working on their lands when the soldiers fired several rounds of live ammunition at them. Fearing additional fire, the workings ran out of their lands.

         They stated that the Zionist army frequently carries out invasions targeting border areas, and repeatedly opens fire at the workers and farmers, Intenasional Middle East Media Center (IMEMC) reported as quoted by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA). Saturday (29/11)

         A few days ago, a resident of Khan Younis was shot and injured after Israeli soldiers opened fire at him as he worked in his land close to the border fence.

         The Israeli occupation Navy also frequently attacks Palestinian fishermen, and fishing boats, leading to numerous casualties, while dozens have been kidnapped, their boats have been confiscated, and dozens of boats were damaged.

          Last week, Israeli navy forces kidnapped two fishermen were off the fishing port in Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip.

Due To Israeli Restrictions, Child Dies In Ambulance

          Thursday Evening [November 28, 2013] A Palestinian child has died, as an ambulance transporting her to the Beit Jala Hospital, in the Bethlehem District, was delayed at an Israeli military roadblock, Palestinian medical sources have reported.

       The child, Nour Mohammad Affana, 14, suffered with a severe case of pneumonia.

       The Palestine News Network (PNN) stated that a physician first examined her and, then, decided to move her to the Intensive Care Unit in Beit Jala Hospital. Her father said that, after an ambulance tried to transport her to ICU through the Container Roadblock (the main roadblock to the east of occupied Jerusalem which splits the occupied West Bank), the entire area became jammed with cars as the soldiers closed the roadblock, and the ambulance could not get through.

        The ambulance then tried to take a bypass road, near the Kidar Israeli settlement, but was unable to do so, and decided to drive to the Ramallah Governmental Hospital.

        The child passed away just minutes before arriving at the hospital.

         Spokesperson of the Popular Resistance Committee Hani Halabiyya, stated that, starting three days ago, Israeli soldiers manning the Container Roadblock began to deliberately close the roadblock during morning and evening hours, causing huge traffic jams.

         He added that the Jerusalem City Council has been doing some work on the main road heading to nearby Al-Ezariyya town, removing two stop signs from the road and placing them at the Qidar-Ma’ale Adumin settlement junction, thus widening the main road. (T/P012/E1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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