MAPIM: Sudan Cannot Get Benefit From Normalization With Israel

Kuala Lumpur, MINA – Malaysian Islamic organizations that are members of the Malaysian Islamic Council for Negotiations (MAPIM) said Sudan will not be can benefit from normalization relations with Israel.

“We reaffirm our stance that Sudan will not benefit from relations with Israel because all cooperation with Tel Aviv is nothing more than legitimizing Israel occupation of Palestine and its expansionist agenda in the Middle East,” said MAPIM President Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid in a written statement received by MINA on Sunda.

“Neither economic benefits nor social security will not be achieved for Sudan from the normalization agreement,” he said.

Azmi said Sudan historical position in supporting the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights must be defended.

“We call on the people and legislators of the Sudanese Parliament to cancel the decision and stand firm in supporting the Palestinian struggle,” he added.

MAPIM also supports Sudanese political parties which reject the government decision to normalizations relations with Israel

According MAPIM, their plan to form an opposition front to the agreement is the most appropriate.

President United States Donald Trump on Friday announced that Sudan had agreed to normalization relations with Israel.

The agreement also makes Sudan, a country that is currently hit by a long conflict, out of the US terrorism blacklist. (T/Hju/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)