Bogor, MINA – Muallaf Development Institute, Arimatea together with Muallaf Center Darussalam Mosque together with International Muallaf Center Sunda Kelapa Mosque and Dompet Dhuafa held a Muallaf Festival and Bazaar presenting 60 products from converts such as culinary and clothing.
The event took place at the Darussalam Mosque Kota Wisata, Ciangsana, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, West Java for two days, on Saturday-Sunday.
“We are working with the Effective and Actual Integrated Aqidah Immunization Rehabilitation Advocacy Forum (Arimatea) to hold Muallaf Fest with the aim of providing religious guidance,” said Darussalam Muallaf Center Chief Executive Yeni Mardiyani.
Yeni also wanted to show that converts throughout Indonesia must always be istiomah, istiomah in demanding Islamic teachings.
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“Islamic teachings are like starting from prayer, reading the Qur’an, having memorized the Koran, especially memorizing short surah readings for each prayer, also always seeking knowledge,” he added
Yeni continued, the Muallaf Center provides facilities for converts who wish to study religion, by providing guidance starting from teaching the Qur’an, praying, and memorizing the Qur’an.
“Seeking knowledge is a person’s attempt to change himself for the better because one of his basic goals is to show the right path. Improving our relationship of worship to God or fellow human beings,” he added.
We present one of the bazaars to show that converts can be independent by selling their products, so we have prepared 60 bazzars, more or less selling 55 converts.
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So, said Yeni, they had previously tried to work in a place that was not syar’i, they dared to leave their job for an independent business. Especially the converts who joined one of the converts to the Darusalam center, the converts to the Sunda Kelapa center, the other converts to Dompet Duafa. (T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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