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Bank Muamalat Wins Best Islamic Award in Southeast Asia

sajadi - Saturday, 5 October 2019 - 07:12 WIB

Saturday, 5 October 2019 - 07:12 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian Bank Muamalat won an international award as the Best Islamic Wealth Management Bank in Southeast Asia region at the 2019 Best Islamic Finance Awards.

The award was given directly by Alpha Southeast Asia Singapore CEO Shiddiq Bazarwala to the Head of WM, E-Business & Priority Segmentation of Muamalat Wang Wardhana Bank in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on September 26 2019.

Bank Muamalat Retail Business Director Purnomo B. Soetadi said the award is a form of appreciation from external parties for the company’s positive performance, especially in terms of marketing wealth management (WM) products.

“This cannot be separated from the innovation and collaboration of Bank Muamalat with a number of parties so that the company’s WM products are in demand by customers,” Purnomo said in a statement received by MINA, Friday.

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“We always try to make wealth management products that fit the needs of customers. For this year, we collaborate a lot with leading insurance companies in marketing assurance products, providing protection, and investment products based on sharia, “he said.

For information, in June, Bank Muamalat announced a strategic partnership commitment with PT. Sun Life Financial Indonesia. Previously, Bank Muamalat also collaborated with PT. Avrist Assurance.

Furthermore, the company also established assurance cooperation with PT. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga in the context of marketing sharia insurance products with a reference and distribution business model.

To reach business opportunities in Southeast Asia, this Islamic banking pioneer also opened its international office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2009.

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Today, Bank Muamalat is still the only Islamic bank from Indonesia that has operated full branch office ali in Malaysia. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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